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Find the perfect Vacation Rental in Carolina & Kure Beach, NC.
Network Real Estate brokers and staff serve multiple counties including New Hanover, Brunswick, and Pender. Our listings, long-term and vacation rentals also include locations in Historic Downtown Wilmington, Leland, and the continually growing Carolina and Kure Beaches. Find your Network Agent »
Homes for SaleSearch available homes for sale in Wilmington and surrounding areas including Leland, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach. |
Vacation RentalsNetwork Real Estate is your source for Carolina Beach, Wilmington and Kure Beach vacation rentals. Make your reservation online now! |
Long Term RentalsFrom a condo at the beach to a historic home in beautiful Downtown Wilmington, we pride ourselves on providing great long-term rental options. |
HOA ManagementOur Homeowner's Association Management Division offers detailed management practices and has a long list of satisfied homeowners. |
College Road Location
Carolina Beach Location
Historic Downtown Wilmington Location